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Invite the NIH Director

Invitations to NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli may be sent to [email protected] for consideration by her and her immediate team. The NIH Executive Secretariat manages these invitations by seeking recommendations from NIH senior leaders and subject matter experts to help inform Dr. Bertagnolli's decisions.

What to Include in the Invitation

When inviting NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to speak at or participate in an internal or external event or meeting, or when requesting time to meet with her, please provide the following information:

  • description of the event or key topic;
  • information on other speakers or participants;
  • information on the NIH Director's role (whether they are invited to be an attendee, a participant, or a speaker);
  • date, time, and location of the event and whether remote participation is acceptable; and
  • draft or final copy of the agenda, and/or other background information, if appropriate. 

Please note that when considering speaking invitations, Dr. Bertagnolli has pledged to participate in events only where experts of all backgrounds are offered speaking opportunities and that inclusiveness is evident in the agenda.

When you submit an invitation to [email protected], you will receive an acknowledgement email from the Exec Sec team. It is our goal to send a final response to Dr. Bertagnolli's invitations within three weeks. If you have a question on the status of an existing invitation, please contact [email protected]. For more information on how to invite other NIH Leadership, please visit Executive Portfolio Services.