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Manages the NIH Director’s and Principal Deputy Director’s email correspondence, invitations, meeting and briefing materials, and numerous reports required by NIH, HHS, and the White House.

NIH Director and Principal Deputy Director Email

NIH Director and Principal Deputy Director Email

NIH Exec Sec supports the NIH Director and Principal Deputy Director by managing the critical email they receive. Email messages are imported into the information management system, SAAVI, and assigned to NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) for response, action, or information on behalf of the Director or Principal Deputy Director. Exec Sec staff also reply directly to certain email inquiries on behalf of the NIH Director and Principal Deputy Director, as appropriate. Other emails with valuable content that do not require action are stored as official government records and retained in SAAVI for business purposes and future access, as outlined in the NIH Records Schedule.

Reports to HHS

Reports to HHS

NIH Exec Sec works closely with NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices to produce timely, substantive reports and other documents for HHS leadership. Responsible for ensuring the appropriate and comprehensive content, along with accuracy and conformance with departmental requirements, Exec Sec prepares reports on NIH policy developments, congressional interactions, key events, and other issues for HHS and that may be used in preparing HHS reports for the White House.

NIH Leadership Invitations

NIH Leadership Invitations

NIH Exec Sec helps manage invitations to the NIH Director. Information on how to invite the NIH Director to participate in an event may be found here. To invite the NIH Principal Deputy Director you may send relevant information to [email protected], and your request will be provided directly to the NIH Principal Deputy Director's office. You may also send requests for other senior leadership from NIH to [email protected], and these will be routed directly to their respective offices.

Meeting Materials

Meeting Materials

Supporting the NIH Director and Principal Deputy Director’s meetings within NIH and with HHS, other federal agencies, Members of Congress, and public and professional organizations and constituencies, NIH Exec Sec coordinates the preparation of briefing materials.